Yes. New Hampshire medical cannabis laws allow registered qualifying cannabis patients to smoke medical marijuana. However, it is illegal to smoke weed for recreational purposes, as adult-use cannabis is illegal in the state.
No, smoking weed in public is illegal in New Hampshire. The smoking or vaporizing of marijuana at public parks, fields, beaches, and on public buses or other public vehicles is also prohibited per Section 126-X:3 of the New Hampshire Statutes. In addition, it is unlawful for anyone to smoke therapeutic cannabis at recreational centers and on school grounds or buildings in the state.
Section 126-X:3 of the New Hampshire Statutes prohibits consuming or smoking cannabis while operating a motor vehicle, vessel, boat, or any other type of vehicle. Passengers are equally not permitted to smoke weed in a moving vehicle, either private or commercial. No individual must smoke or vaporize marijuana while attempting to drive a motor vehicle or other automobiles used for transportation. If driving with medical cannabis products in a vehicle in New Hampshire, ensure to store them in locked containers and away in the vehicle's trunk.
Only registered qualifying medical marijuana patients can smoke cannabis in New Hampshire.
Per New Hampshire Therapeutic Cannabis Program Registry Rules, qualifying medical cannabis patients may only smoke or vaporize marijuana in their private residences. However, if a patient lives on a rented property, the written permission of the property owner is required before they can consume cannabis on the property. Federal law prohibits smoking weed on federal properties within the borders of New Hampshire.